Daily Routine for PEACE

Daily Routine for Peace

Positivity. One of our greatest human freedoms is our ability to choose our own thoughts. Choose positive thoughts. Focusing on gratitude is a wonderful way to generate positive thoughts. Every morning, think of two things you are grateful for. Think about them in full detail, and connect to the feeling of gratefulness.

Exercise. Move your body every day. Exercise is associated with reducing anxiety and improving mood. You can maximize the benefits of exercise by being outside in nature.

Achieve. Focus on one thing that you can achieve every day. On the days you are tired, make it something small. Achieving something, even something small, can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost mood. If you’re having a difficult day, focus on achieving related to self-care.

Connection. As human beings, we are hard-wired to be social. We need human connection now more than ever. Reach out to two people every day. Reach out to one person who supports you. Reach out to one person who can use your support. Whenever possible, meet in person, or use video to allow for eye contact. Remember that there’s no such thing as “small talk.” It all matters, including connecting with strangers. It helps us to feel connected to our community and the world.

Empathy. Have empathy for others. Have empathy for yourself. Remember that people are struggling with issues that you may know nothing about. Have empathy and compassion for yourself when you feeling stressed and tired.

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