mental health matters.
in fact, it’s everything.
Prioritize, Plan, Practice, Prosper
Keynotes and programs teaching ways to foster
Gratitude, Happiness, and Resilience.
partner organizations

Prioritize, Plan, Practice, Prosper
All About?
Prioritize, Plan, Practice, Prosper is a simple framework to help you understand that you are a powerful human being, and you must take action. Happiness doesn’t just happen. Happiness is so much more than just a “choice.” That’s only the beginning. Making your mental health a priority, planning exercises that enhance mental health, and practicing them on a regular basis is what will make you prosper.
It was created by thought leader, psychologist, and happiness expert Dr. Peggy DeLong to help you develop and practice daily behaviors to feel good *now*.
You're in the right place if you...
- Wonder why you have so many negative thoughts and what you can do about them
- Want to wake up loving your life instead of dreading it
- Know that there’s more to life but aren’t sure how to get there
Begin FEELING Good! NOW is the time to Prioritize, Plan, Practice, Prosper!
Even through difficult times.
That’s when we need these ideas the most.
It’s based on research-backed ideas from the fields of
Positive Psychology, Neuroplasticity, and Mindfulness.
Here’s my take on them:
positive psychology
Strength-based, optimistic,
and hopeful perspective of
human functioning that focuses on
cultivating gratitude, peace, love, and joy.
The ability of your brain
to form new connections and
develop new patterns of thinking,
behaving, and feeling.
Gaining awareness of your thoughts,
emotions, and behavior. Connecting to
the present moment to reduce stress
and experience more peace and joy.
Prioritize, Plan, Practice, Prosper
is designed for ...
Who care about the mental health of its members, and understand that it has a huge impact on current functioning and future happiness and success.
Who are motivated and interested in decreasing anxiety and depression, and fostering joy, resilience, gratitude, and meaning, and love to live their best lives.
Join the feeling good movement
Prioritize, Plan, Practice, Prosper
is the framework for my programs, designed to help you FEEL Good.
Hi, beautiful person!

Maybe you’ve been experiencing so much disappointment and emotional pain that now you feel numb, so you don’t feel anything, including joy. Maybe you’re thinking that there’s more to life, but you don’t know how to change, and you don’t know where to start. Maybe you’re hard on yourself, wondering why everyone else seems to have it together. Maybe you’re terrified when you think of your future, feeling pressure to be what others want you to be to the point that you’ve lost yourself and feel paralyzed.
You’re not alone, and I’d love to support you or your organization. This is what I do.
You won’t hear me say that happiness is merely a choice, or that there’s a fast track to success. The truth is that it takes work, and it takes daily practice. The good news is that the tools you use for more joy and life satisfaction actually FEEL Good while you’re using them! And when you practice them on a regular basis, you’re setting yourself up for your best future. I’m all about providing you with the tools to experience more joy on an ordinary day, connect with your beautiful life, and help you foster meaningful and long-lasting relationships. Even if your life is hard. Especially if your life is hard. I’ve lived it, and it’s my mission to help others do the same. I’ll help you develop and strengthen resilience skills so that grief, disappointment, and pain become opportunities for growth to live more fully and joy-fully than you ever imagined!