3 Things That Hinder Your Gratitude Practice While there’s no “wrong” way to practice gratitude, people often do these three things that interfere with the power…
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The Power of Gratitude Letters
Research demonstrates that writing gratitude letters significantly improves mood. Writing gratitude letters has many benefits: 1) It makes us feel good in the moment as we…
3 Ways to Express Appreciation
Expressing appreciation for someone is a simple and effective way to improve mental health. There are many ways to improve mental health, and gratitude is my…
Experiencing Awe Through Collective Effervescence
Experiencing awe through “Collective Effervescence” When I deliver presentations on happiness and burnout prevention, I love to talk about the power of awe for mental health….
Therapeutic Journaling for Mental Health
Therapeutic Journaling for Mental Health Writing about emotional pain helps to identify negative thinking patterns and critical self-talk. This is very effective, as negative thoughts are…
6 Meaningful Gratitude Ideas for Thanksgiving
By yourself 1. Before leaving your bedroom, sit on the edge of your bed, close your eyes, and think about one thing that you’re grateful for….
Express Appreciation – A Simple Way to Foster Closeness in Relationships
One of the simplest things that you can do to foster closeness in a relationship is to express appreciation. It also has a positive impact on…
Stop Telling Yourself Happiness Lies
Often, we are given subtle or not so subtle messages through motivational quotes and Instagram posts that are simply not true. When we accept them as…
Make Every Day Mental Health Day
Today is World Mental Health Day. For me, every day is Mental Health Day. I love sharing my framework, The 4 Ps, for positive mental health with colleges, businesses, and…