1. Train yourself induce relaxation on demand. Being able to shut off the negative thinking going on in your brain is an important skill that helps…
Cultivating Hope During Difficult Times
What do you do when it seems like everything is going wrong? What can you do when it feels like you’ve got too much burden to…
Gratitude is Most Powerful on Your Difficult Days
Don’t save gratitude for your good days. Gratitude is most powerful on your difficult days. Keep it simple. When you are going through a difficult time,…
5 Simple Ideas to Get Through a Difficult Day
5 Simple Ideas to Get Through a Difficult Day (taken from FEELING Good: 35 Proven Ways to Happiness, Even During Tough Times) Get outside. Spending just…
Coping With Loss During the Holidays
The death of a loved one is a traumatic and emotionally painful experiencee. Coping during the holidays is a particularly difficult time for dealing with loss….
10 Ways to Generate Joy on a Difficult Day
You know what’s gonna make you feel better, but you don’t feel like doing it. You might be thinking, “I know I’ll feel better if I…
Coping with Grief After Children Leave Home
I belong to a facebook group with over 200,000 members. It’s for parents of adult children. Over the past two weeks, I’ve seen parents post heartache…
Four Ways of Thinking That Increase Anxiety
Lots of people experiencing anxiety these days. I’m helping people in my 30-Day Anxiety Relief program with different ways to cope with anxiety. This particular lesson…
When Positive Affirmations Don’t Work: What You Can Do Instead
No, there’s nothing wrong with you! Positive Affirmations simply do not work for everyone. When Positive Affirmations Don’t Work: What You Can Do Instead We hear…