Ch. 21 Know That Tough Days Will Pass “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” –Robert H. Schuller Difficult times can feel like they will…
Feeling Good With Dr. Peggy
Feeling Good with Dr. Peggy is the online companion program for the book FEELING Good: Thirty-Five Proven Ways to Happiness, Even During Tough Times. This is…
Cultivating Social Connections
The #1 factor related to happiness and satisfaction in life is our relationships, our connections. FEELING connected. That is why when I started my on-line program…
Are You Ready for Some Good News?
We need some good news right about now, don’t you think?! I know I do! The good news is… YOU have the power to control your…
It’s OK to Not Feel OK
Most people have a goal of feeling happy. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it is important to acknowledge all of your feelings. To allow yourself…
Cultivating Joy
Is joy feeling like a foreign experience? Are you feeling guilty when joy comes naturally because you know others are suffering? Or because you are suffering…
Common Emotional Experiences Explained, and How to Feel Better
Common Emotional Experiences reported by many during COVID19 Frustration due to Difficulty Concentrating Many people are reporting difficulty concentrating, difficulty completing simple routine tasks, and “cognitive…
Visualize and Take Small Action
In my part of the country, we’re “opening up”, but things are far from “normal”. So much loss. Loss of loved ones. Job loss. Loss of…
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) –
Psychoneuroimmunology – the study of the relationship between psychological processes, the immune system, and the nervous system. I became interested in this field in 1994. I…