Here are some of my favorite quotes about the power of giving: “The law of giving is very simple. If you want joy, give joy. If…
Do You have an A.W.E.S.O.M.E. file?
Do you have an AWESOME file? You should! It’s good for your mental health and achieving your personal and professional goals. We all deal with…
Gratitude Tip – Appreciate Your Life Where It Is
So often when we are working toward a goal, we become frustrated with how far we have to go. When we are constantly future focused, we…
The Beauty of Writing Thank You Notes
Think about the last time you wrote a thank you note. Didn’t you feel great while you were writing it? Me too! So much positivity!…
Create Your Own Happiness with These Two Daily Activities
Have you heard of the work of Shawn Achor? He is a positive psychologist, known for his work on happiness. I am so grateful for his…
Resilience is the New Happiness
Resilience is the new happiness. Resilience is the ability to recover and grow in the face of adversity. We all face adversity at some points in…
Ways of Staying Connected With Your Teen or Tween
It is not unusual for teenagers and their parents to have periods of difficulty getting along, when they previously enjoyed positive relationships. While nothing may have…
2019 Schedule of Speaking Engagements, Presentations, Workshops, Author Talks, Book Signings
January 22, 7PM, Gratitude Workshop, Perfect Harmony Yoga, Califon, NJ 07830 January 31, 10AM, Gratitude Workshop, Perfect Harmony Yoga, Califon, NJ 07830 February 4, 7PM, Strengthening…
Parent-Child Bonding Activity
Here is a suggestion for a parent-child bonding activity. I realized as I was working in my home office yesterday that one of my most treasured…